Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Catacombs, Sacre Coeur, Promenade Plantee, and more!

So this past Saturday my friends and I got a jump start on our 3-day weekend early by touring the Catacombs of Paris! The Catacombs are an abandoned underground limestone quarry that the Parisians used to store the bones that were dug up from around the many churches in Paris when they started to not have anymore room for graves.We had been trying to do this tour since we came here! So finally the day had arrived. After going down 100-some steps, we were down underneath the streets of Paris. After winding through a underground maze of tiny corridors, we finally saw the stacks of bones. And stacks of bones. And stacks of bones. Bones on bones on bones! There was nothing separating me from touching the piles of bones that were almost 300 years old! I definitely was creeped out...and started to feel claustrophobic for the first time in my life. But overall it was definitely a really cool/creepy/Halloween-y experience. After this, we went to the Promenade Plantee, or the 'Highline' in Paris, which is basically a really cool elevated park with shops underneath. Even though the plants weren't in full bloom at this point, it was a beautiful fall day for a walk in the elevated park. And of course no walk in the park is complete in Paris without a baguette and brie cheese! Sunday morning we were up fairly bright and early to attend mass at the Sacre Coeur Basilica, which is also the highest point in the city. The climb all the way up to the top was well worth it, although I arrived at the church sweating profusely which was not part of the plan! The church was beautiful inside and the church service was very nice as well. I especially enjoyed listening to the Nun choir. After church ended we wandered around Montmarte, which is the elevated area where the church is located.  The rest of Sunday was spent in the park across the street from our apartment building...and yes I was actually doing homework!...and drinking wine. Hey, when in Paris! Monday morning started off rainy and windy, but we powered through to see the 'Eternal Flame' or the real name 'Flame of Liberty.' This wasn't intended to be a sort of memorial for Princess Diana ,but that is what it has become since the car accident in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel closeby. I was shocked to see flowers, posters, and messages written on the base of the flame on Monday, which is now 15 years after she died. Definitely a sad memorial but one I am glad to have been able to see. After this, we traveled to see Coco Chanel's original apartment and store on 31 Rue Cambon. I was definitely the only one in the group excited to see her building, but I didn't care. Her store is located on the first floor, while the second floor is used for 'couture' dressing rooms. The third floor is her 'apartment' (which she never used to actually sleep in, she went across the street to the Ritz to sleep every night) and the top floor was used as her studio. After our window shopping here, we continued around the block to see the high-end shopping district of Paris. I loved the window shopping here! We continued to the Longchamp store to buy our highly-anticipated bags! I had been looking at getting one of these bags for a long time now, and it just so happens they are cheaper in Paris! Who knew?? Jackpot! So I will say I made my first big purchase here and bought a navy Longchamp bag, which I love! And after this experience we continued on to get mid-day drinks at the famous Harry's New York Bar. This bar was known to host such people as Coco Chanel, Humphrey Bogart, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, and occasionally the Duke of Windsor! So since we were in the neighborhood we decided to stop by for one drink. I will say I tried my first bloody mary here, and what a place to try it at then the place where it originated! Definitely a memorable experience. After this long and exciting day, I went back to my apartment to again work on homework (which I should be doing now, but I decided to do this instead!). This morning we went to the Cartier Foundation center designed by Jean Nouvel. Yes this is the actual Cartier cooperate headquarters. No I did not get to see any diamonds :(( Tonight we are going to a concert and tomorrow we are heading out of the city to Chartres to see the cathedral there. Aur revoir!

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