Monday, September 17, 2012

Funny Things

So far I've been writing mostly about my architectural/historic experiences that I have had so far in Paris, but so much more has been happening to me than just this! I'll try to give updates on my life once and a while like this so I don't bore everyone to death with my nerd rants about architecture. When traveling extensively like I recently have, weird/funny things are bound to happen. I am going to list funny things that have happened so far to me, because no one likes to hear about the bad stuff! Although I have learned a few lessons the hard way as well here, so don't think I'm living in wonderland over here! So here it goes, a list of funny things that have happened to me so far starting with my first flight from Minneapolis to Chicago (not in chronological order):
-used airplane bathroom soap as hand sanitizer
-watched a monk give us the finger
-saw 4 different people on 4 different occasions peeing in public
-broke the bed at the monastery
-ordered a 6 inch sub at subway (they don't use inches) ( I don't think its that funny but my friends do...)
-have used the term si (Spanish for yes) instead of oui (French for yes) on too many occasions to count
-walked in on my classmate in the bathroom (bound to happen)
-tripped on the sidewalk and almost face-planted more than once
-saw and heard a man with a portable microphone sing French and Spanish songs on the metro for money
-saw multiple children run down this one hill and face-plant at the park where we picnic
-saw a little French girl kiss another little girl's knee because she fell (okay this one is just too darn cute not to mention!)

This is all I can think of for now! Just wanted to give everyone some examples of the funny and weird things that have happened to us so far. This list is definitely ongoing and I will try to update again soon! Aur Revoir!

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