Saturday, October 13, 2012


The past week I traveled to Ireland for my first independent travel period. I had a blast! After a couple of days in Dublin two of my best friends from high school came to visit me! I had a blast wandering around Dublin and trying new pubs and new foods! We saw Trinity College, the Molly Malone statue, Saint Stephen's Green park, and shopped on Grafton street...among many other things! I really enjoyed my time in Dublin to say the least. It was nice, once again, to be in a land of people who spoke English! Even though it was difficult to understand some people....I was also very surprised how everyone was so extremely friendly! That made our stay very enjoyable! We also did a day tour of Wicklow Park last Sunday which was a blast! We had a really nice tour guide and we saw the most incredible views of the national park that was just a bit south of Dublin. After about 5 days in Dublin, my friends and I took a bus to Galway, which is on the Western Coast of Ireland. I loved Galway! I wish I could have spent more time there. It is a smaller coastal city, and reminded me a bit of Duluth...but Irish! We had a blast exploring the shops in Galway and walking along the coast. We also did a day tour of the Cliffs of Moher and the Burren. The Burren is an area south of Galway that is basically a rocky mountainous area with beautiful views! Here I did a cave tour, which was an okay experience. We also randomly did a Birds of Prey exhibition/zoo thing which ended up being really fun! We got to see really cool birds and I even got to hold my favorite bird ever, the barn owl! I loved it! So much fun. Then we went and saw the Cliffs of Moher on the Western coast of Ireland. Unbelievably beautiful! The cliffs were spectacular and I only wish we had more time there to explore! Overall I had a great day with the tour aside from the fact that I had to take the bus back by myself that night to Dublin to catch my flight the next morning. The flight to Florence was a crazy stressful experience trying to catch my connecting flight in London...but I will spare you the details and fast forward to now. I am safe and loving Florence! I got my baggage back yesterday after 3 hours of getting to and back from the airport. We had a walking tour of Florence today which was beautiful and helped me to get better acquainted with the city. Day off tomorrow! Our apartment in Florence is great and I'm really excited that we have a kitchen and our own washing machine! Ciao!

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