Monday, October 1, 2012

London: Love at first sight!

Saturday I arrived in London via the Eurostar train! So far it has been awesome here! I think a lot of it honestly has to do with being able to communicate with everybody! Speaking English and being understood is so nice right now! I am loving it. First day we traveled to our hotel, to find out we couldn't check in until was 11. So we hauled all of our bags around with us the rest of the day, but was definitely worth it to see a beautiful view of London from the London Eye. The London Eye is a giant 'ferris wheel' of sorts. Such great views! After such a busy day of traveling, we decided to eat Fish and Chips at a local pub called Bayswater Arms. Great fish and I even got to taste some local beer! Definitely the right way to start off our trip in London! Sunday was a free day for class, so with a bit of research we were able to figure out a pretty awesome itinerary. First thing Sunday morning we were up and ready to travel in the 'tube' to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards! Little did we know how long it would take to get there, and way under-estimated the amount of people that would be there too! Unreal how many people were there to see it! After we explored around this area a little, we were off to Harrod's Department Store! What a dream come true! The best department store I have ever been in, hands down. My mom would have died in the baking section. I almost died in the chocolate section. Luxury label after Luxury label here! And I didn't feel like an idiot wandering around in this huge department store, knowing I would never be able to afford the amazing items they sold...because there were tons of other people there doing the same thing! They also had a memorial to Princess Diana here as well because she was dating the son of the owner of Harrod's at the time. With the memorial is the glass she supposedly drank out of the night she died, and the engagement ring her boyfriend was going to give her. After a trip to Harrod's, we then traveled to Westminster Abbey for their 'Evensong' service at 3pm. What an unbelievable total experience. Even though I wasn't able to take pictures of the interior, I got a nice long look as the amazing boy's choir sang. I really enjoyed being able to understand the service for once! It definitely makes a difference. After our amazing day exploring London, we were ready to head home on the 'tube.' We were in such a hurry of us ended up getting slammed in between the subway car doors! ...and you probably didn't have to guess to figure out that that lucky one was me! Slammed. Right between the doors. I didn't even think about it beforehand! I thought I was being a gazelle and leaping into the train just as the doors were about to close. And close they did. On my arms. I'm just glad it wasn't my head, or worse, my purse! I wasn't really hurt, and I don't even have a bruise! We were definitely ready for another drink at our favorite new place, The Bayswater Arms. I slept like a baby last night! Tomorrow I will try to recount my fabulous (and stressful) trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour...if I have time! Amazing is all I can say! Cheerio!

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